Mid winter blues? Gentle exercise helps

Mid winter blues? Gentle exercise helps

Mid winter blues? At roughly this time of year, a fair percentage of us have joined a gym with the view of `new year, new me ! `but then have not followed through and see the bank account looking a little forlorn. That dreaded English grey winter has a lot to answer for!

But don’t be too hard on yourself, it is thought that up to 22% of people who signed up to a gym in January have thrown in the towel by the beginning of February. So you are not alone. However, you are still keen to get fit, so what can you do?

Set yourself small achievable targets to begin with, eg walking to work for 2 days a week (if possible) or getting up earlier on a weekend and going for a hike.
Do a ten minute every other day, home work out routine. This could involve, squats or press ups or skipping. I would advise to consult us first before doing this as some exercises that you might find online, might not be suitable for you.

Get together with a partner or friend and find a new activity or sport that you have always wanted to try. If you start now and stick with it, you will be in the groove by the time Summer arrives.

Do exercise that you enjoy rather than exercise that you think you should do. This will help greatly with fitness and can lead to other avenues opening up.
Mix and match. Keep one day aside for a new activity to keep you fresh.

And finally, don’t give in to the sofa! When the summer comes round and you are heading to the beach, you will be glad you stuck to it.

If you have a niggling pain or injury which is holding you back we might just be able to get you back on track.

Why not call us on 01392 428141 or book online.Book Online